Immediately following suicide, confusion is common, and grief is overwhelming.
So a comprehensive suicide response plan provides a thoughtful and organised response when the school community most needs support and comfort.
Planning a response to a suicide is an integral part of implementing a comprehensive mental health and suicide prevention program. The plan will complement your school’s existing emergency response management policy or plan and your relevant education department guidelines.
A suicide response plan provides the framework for school-wide communication and coordination to maintain stability and protect against further suicidal behaviour. It outlines the tasks, roles and responsibilities of the Emergency Response Team (ERT) following a death by suicide. This plan ensures all those affected – students, families, staff and the broader community – get the support they need.
Though the impact of a student’s suicide death can’t be predicted, and the response of a school community can vary widely, Be You encourages schools to develop effective plans and resources that facilitate sensitive and coordinated interventions at a time of profound grief.
For more information about preparing a suicide response plan, contact the Be You team.